Our Story + Our Product

Our Story:

I first fell in love with tallow while searching for a lotion for my growing belly. At the same time my husband developed eczema on his hands and using prescription medicine long term was not something we wanted to continue. After our long search for healthy options we quickly discovered that finding things truly pure, was truly hard to find. This got me searching for the most natural things for my family. On this journey we began sharing with friends and family and decided this was something we wanted to share with others. This is how Pure was born and we are so excited to share this journey with you! We are a small family-owned business and your support means so much to us. Supporting other small and local businesses is so important to us and we incorporate that in to our products as much as possible.

Pat and I (Nicole) got married in 2015. We have both lived in Orlando, Florida most of our lives where we raise our two beautiful children, Ezekiel and Reese. Pat is a special education teacher and coach at our local high school and I am a worship leader at our family’s church. Creating something truly Pure and something our family can do together is a dream and answered prayer. As a family and as small business-owners we strive to always be authentic, honest and Pure.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is PURE, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”

-Philippians 4:8


As we strive for authenticity, honesty and purity we have done extensive research to find the purest and most holistic ingredients to put in our products. Our tallow is USDA certified Organic grass-fed beef tallow, We have found our avocado oil to be the cleanest on the market and our essential oils are of the highest quality. We will never compromise or hide ingredients. We want you to feel as safe using our products on your family as we do on our family. We do our best to educate our customers on the benefits of the ingredients and fun ways to use Pure on our social media.

What is Tallow:

Tallow is extremely nutrient dense cow fat surrounding the animal’s organs. It is rendered beef fat which is also known as suet. Tallow contains vitamins A, D, E, B12 and K, which are all antioxidants that are known for fighting free radical damage. This combination of vitamins is only found in animal products! The fatty acids and lipids in tallow are so similar in molecular structure to the composition of human skin and in our natural oils (sebum), making tallow incredibly compatible with our skin. This allows for high absorption improving our protective barrier function of the skin. All of these wonderful things prevent moisture loss and aids in regenerating the appearance of healthy, youthful-looking skin. Tallow is anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-microbial which makes it great for eczema, rashes, acne and so much more!