Shipping and Returns

How long does my order take to ship?

Your items will be sent off within 1-3 business days of placing your order. This may change for holidays and busy seasons.

Do you offer international shipping? 

As of now, we only ship in the US. We can’t wait for the day when our small business expands and can ship world-wide.

What is your return policy? 

We will only refund a product if it arrives damaged. Our product melts when in contact with your skin or extreme heat. We will not return melted or softened product. Pure lotions and scrubs will harden back up once it is taken out of the heat and has time to cool. To get it back to it’s beautiful whipped texture you can simply remove the product into a bowl, whip with a hand mixer and it will come back to its fluffy, beautiful texture! If you choose not to re-whip the tallow, that’s okay too! Whipped or not, the product works the same. If you have questions about this process or any damaged items please contact us at